Baymro Safety China, Lieferant/Hersteller von Schutzausrüstungen in China, Start PPE to MRO " Produkte Seite " PSA " Schutz für Gesicht und Kopf " FR Anti-StaticBalaclava Haube

FR Anti-StaticBalaclava Haube
- Material: Meta-Aramid.
- Functions: Face protection inside helmet.
- Color: White/Navy Bule, Weight: 150g, Square Grams:220g.
- Size: One size fit all.
- Inherent flame resistant qualities will not diminish with washing.
- Protection against radiant, convective and contact heat.
- Anti-static.
- High cotton content for superior comfort.
- Generous fit for wearer comfort.
- It fits comfortably under helmet.
