Baymro Safety China, Lieferant/Hersteller von Schutzausrüstungen in China, Start PPE to MRO " Produkte Seite " PSA " Säbel-Elsa-Flucht-Set


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Sabre/Scott ELSA Escape Breathing Apparatus 


SABRE Emergency Life Support Apparatus 15 Minutes EBA


Renowned as the world's leading constant flow escape set, the Sabre ELSA (emergency life support apparatus) is designed for rapid escape from hazardous industrial and marine environments.


Made in United Kingdom


Key features
• Unique cuboid hood with elastomeric neck seal for easy donning and excellent visibility
• High visibility or anti-static bag
• Automatic activation - a constant flow of air is provided upon opening the ELSA bag

• 15 minute versions 
• Hood design enables it to be worn by those with beards or glasses


• CE marked to EN 1146, med 'shipswheel' approved, lloyds register & germanischer lloyds approved

