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Полотно для брюк туники

Общая информация Cotton fabric used for the local production of tunics (shirts) and trousers for staff working in the operating theatre. Технические характеристики Materials : 100% cotton Fabric : Weight per m²: 174g/m² (minimum 155g/m²) Number : of Warp 120, weft, 108 (per 3cm) threads : Metric count : Warp 71, weft, 68 Or Fabric : Cretonne, 100% cotton, Weight per m² : ±180g/m² Number : of Warp 24, weft 24 threads: Metric count : Warp 28, weft 28 Description : For reusable clothing, woven fabric. Size: roll width ±120cm, length 100m. Colour: green (preferred) or blue. Washing : Normal washing, withstands active chlorine solution of 0.5%. Packaging : Unit presentation, 1 roll, length 100m, packed in a strong protective plastic bag. Labelling, indicate size, manufacturer’s and/or supplier’s name, product name and reference number.